What the ever loving fuck America?!?

So Donald Trump is President-Elect the electoral college has done their job. Some are protesting and very upset that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, this has happened previously and the electoral college always wins. It’s a done deal and there is nothing anyone can do about this now. The protesting is fine as long as it’s kept civil. Burning flags, breaking windows, and looting is beyond ridiculous and needs to stop. These riots are not the opinion of the majority of the Democrat party, liberals, and anyone who voted for Hillary or against Trump. Regardless of what people say, it’s not liberals doing this it’s the uneducated animals that wanted an excuse to riot. The country is in turmoil over this election and it would be regardless of who won the Presidency. We were given 4 choices and technically only 2 if you know anything about politics. This in itself is not fair to the American people. Donald Trump has begun picking his cabinet and that should be the main topic of discussion everywhere. 

Protesting peacefully I can get behind, although I do not protest because rarely does it solve anything and nothing good usually comes out of it. Many are not happy with the election results of Trump winning. On the other side, many were not happy with President Obama winning. So the people complaining that the liberals are babies, and crying have no cause since the exact same thing has happened by Conservatives. Donald Trump also had a lot to say on twitter that reminds me of child-like mentality. Protesting is an American right as long as it is done peacefully and without violence this shouldn’t be a problem with anyone. The rioting is uncalled for and just an excuse to act like animals all races are doing this and it needs to stop. There is no good that can come from that. Although, it has only been happening in Oregon of all places.


In the US there are only two parties that are prevalent is something that everyone should be fighting against. I may be considered a liberal, but I do not believe everything the liberal/democratic party believe in. We should be able to have multiple parties with a wide range of opinions in congress. As far as party lines go Republicans and Democrats may have different opinions in many cases, but they all get money from the same lobbyists. It’s pretty disgusting and until that stops nothing in this country will truly be fair. Of course collecting money from lobbyists does not mean the politician agree with what these lobbyists are saying, but 9 times out of 10 they do what they are asking. They want that money to continue to roll in. Donald Trump has said he wants to take money out of politics, but considering his cabinet picks thus far, nothing could be further from the truth. 


According to many sources he has picked a white supremacist as his chief strategist Stephen Bannon. Exactly what does that say to the American people? Does he want to start or continue a race war? Lets face it during Donald Trumps campaign he said some pretty hateful things toward minorities, women, and Muslims. Still he won the election for President of the United States. It goes to show how the country feels about things. 48% of registered voters did not vote! It makes sense since many didn’t like either of the two running, but this is what you get when you don’t vote. A non vote shows you do not care who is running the country. Now I don’t like Hillary Clinton either, but I voted for her for the simple fact I was terrified Donald Trump would win. My vote in general doesn’t count for much since I live in Texas which is a big Republican state. Either way my conscious wouldn’t allow me not to vote. Many should have felt the same way. The election was not just about the Presidency it was also about some congressional seats. The Republicans have all of the branches of government as soon as Trump picks a Supreme Court Justice. This is unacceptable! Please get out and vote during the next election. If not for yourself for future generations.


If I was a Trump supporter I would be livid. It has been a week since the election and already he has doubled down on what he claims he was going to do. He said that he was going to get rid of the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) yet he has already said he was going to adjust it. Donald Trump had some big talk against the establishment, yet his choices of his cabinet thus far have been mainly establishment picks. This is just the beginning, Republicans may hold all branches of government but they surely wont let him do most of the things he claimed he would get done. They will not like the term limits and will surely not let that pass. After all these career politicians are mainly Republicans.

Donny the Devil

Donald Trump will be our President for the next four years. I am hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. Many things will be changing you can bet on that. Many have claimed the last time Republicans controlled congress and the Presidency was 1928, this is completely false. The last time George W Bush was in office and everyone knows just how well that went. Expect another financial crisis, that you can bet on. D0nald Trump wants to lower taxes for everyone, but has yet to talk about any cuts. This will crash our economy. Say what you will about President Obama, but since he was handed the Presidency he has fixed so many things the Republicans screwed up. If we learned anything from Reagan, trickle down economics just does not work. I rarely pray, but today and for the next four years I will be praying for our country and the future of my children.


If you want change in this country voting for someone like Donald Trump will not be the way to do it. Voting is only half of it, you have the right to speak or write to your congressman. If you don’t believe in something the only thing we as Americans can do is stand together. The violence and racial tension in this country is only going to get worse. Everything seems to be getting worse. If you watch or read the news you see it. Monsters killing their children, people killing police men and women, the police killing citizens, rapists getting 2 years in jail, the list goes on. It’s sad and horrifying how violence seems to be a normal thing in the United States. We can do something about it, but only if we stand together. Republicans, Democrats, Christians, Muslims, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, Gays, Transvestites, Pro Choice, Pro Life, everyone can stand together. We as Americans choose to separate ourselves based on our beliefs. I’m quite sure everyone thinks killing and violence is wrong. Peace is what is needed in this country. As far as I’m concerned voting for Donald Trump was against everything we as Americans stand for (or are supposed to stand for). It’s heartbreaking. If something isn’t done now, this will only get worse.

Trump Won?

This is a sad day in US history. Donald Trump is the President-Elect of the United States. Something that people joked about two years ago has become a reality today. Many Americans are celebrating, but more are upset. Voting is very important not only to our country as a whole but to yourself as individuals. Several people voted third party and in turn gave Donald Trump your vote.

It was not the easiest thing to watch in fact I just turned off the television and midnight, I couldn’t take the loss. I woke up at 3am checked the polls and my worst fear came true at that moment. From the very beginning, everyone thought it was laughable that Trump could make it as far as he did. The memes and rhetoric were mere jokes this joke has now become a reality.


Most did not want to see either of the main candidates as their commander and chief. I did not either, what I did going to the voting booth was take the lesser of two evils. As past history dictates voting 3rd party gives the vote away. I did not want to see that happening. While Hillary Clinton has many flaws Donald Trump has far more. If you voted 3rd party your vote was essentially for Donald Trump so do not blame anyone but yourself. Others will argue that it’s the DNC’s fault for not letting Bernie Sanders run. That is partly true, but you had a choice picking 3rd party clearly did not help anyone other than Trump.


If you chose not to vote at all because neither candidate appealed to you, I hope you’re happy with the outcome. This is beyond comprehension. Just how many people actually listened to this monster speak before casting a vote for him? The hate filled rhetoric spewing from his mouth actually appealed to you? I just can’t fathom the thinking and would love to understand it.

I taught my children to look beyond skin color, sex, and religious beliefs. This goes to show that not everyone parents the same way. My girls were just as disgusted as I was upon hearing the news and the oldest is 11. They understand how elections work and they watched debates they know what has been said. I was even asked if their friends would have to go back to Mexico because he became President. It’s hard being a parent in this day and age. It’s even tougher to watch the world crumbling around you. So much evil and hate in the world, now it’s at our doorstep. The bigots and racists are not hiding any longer they are right there on social media, on the news, in our public view for all to see. They are not ashamed. I did not know that Marty McFly came by with his time machine and brought us all back in time.


Many of my own family and friends either supported or voted for Donald Trump. I was surprised but I was not shocked in the way I should have been. I even tried to debate it out with them, but they weren’t hearing it. My own spouse, while he didn’t vote and didn’t like either candidate preferred Trump. That has to do with his change in thinking upon moving to this shit hole most call Texas. Disturbed by the news by Midnight I was going to sleep. He woke up at around this time and I told him that Donald Trump is going to be President. His response was “Get out of here”. He thought the election was fixed to get Hillary Clinton elected honestly, I thought the same thing. Although his comments infuriated me after. He thinks he is a comedian and said “Great, now pussy grabbing will be legal!” He even decided to buy a “Trump Triumphs” newspaper and put it right where I would see it as I first woke up. Needless to say, he’s sleeping on the couch tonight.

So Trump won as if that is not bad enough the Republicans have majority house and the senate. Again if you didn’t vote I would love to wring your damn neck right now. This election was important. All I can say is pray for America. I am not a religious person by any stretch of the imagination, but I will be praying. This is not the United States I know and love, I don’t know what this is. Congratulations to Trump supporters, you did it. You showed the world just how dumb we have become. Electrolytes it’s what plants crave is now a reality.


It’s Almost Over!!

Thankfully this election is almost over. It has been hell from the media to social network regarding this circus. Personally, I think it lasts far too long. From E-mails to pussy grabbing it has been highly entertaining, that I can tell you. There are more than two candidates running, but you wouldn’t know that if you only watched Television and social media. This is the main reason 3rd party candidates do not stand a chance. It’s unfortunate, but it’s the truth. They refuse to even let the other candidates debate which does not seem right.


Social media has been absolutely hateful regarding this election. Family and friends that disagree start an all out brawl being keyboard ninjas. As humorous and entertaining as that may be it’s also quite sad. Arguing with someone who doesn’t support your opinion is like talking to a wall. Not only that but friendships and relationships have ended over the difference of opinion. The false memes, pictures, and posts were numerous. I have yet to see many accurate memes out there, but some of these were just outright wrong. My favorite memes were about our current President. He has nothing to do with this election, he may support Hillary Clinton, but he’s also a democrat so that makes perfect sense. President Obama is laughing his ass off out of the Oval Office and who can blame him? All the good he has done for the United States and the problems he has fixed. People still find a way to bitch about him and even lie.The sad part is majority, of the time they don’t know what they are talking about and they believe any meme they see. Sometimes it’s because of Fox News. If you accurately look you will find that he has done more for this country than many Presidents. The most in my lifetime in fact.


The information that has come out since the election began is quite amusing. Anything about Hillary Clinton was already common knowledge. From the E-mails to Benghazi, she was pretty open about everything. The only thing that came out was wikileaks, which has been confirmed not to be a completely reputable site, having links to Russia, Trump, and the creator of Wilkileaks Julian Assange does not have such a great past. In fact he is hiding in an embassy in Europe to avoid being extrodited to Australia where he will be on trial for rape. Fact check has said that Hillary Clintons campaign manager was hacked and some of the emails are true, but some have been altered. Which to me does not make this a reputable site at all. If you have to alter information, clearly you had nothing to begin with. Fact Checking WikiLeaks


Donald Trump

There didn’t need to be any scandals coming out of Trumps campaign his mouth did the best job for him. Yet there were some either way. He likes to grab pussy apparently. He has had rape alligations brought up, one was disproved, but there are still several other law suits against him regarding forced sexual acts. If his mouth didn’t turn you off on him as President, nothing will. Most people made their choice on their candidate months ago. Nothing he has said has deterred many if any.


56% of Americans are tired of this election, it has made the United States the laughing stock of the world. The fact that we have two candidates the majority of Americans can not even fathom voting for really doesn’t make sense. If you didn’t vote in the primary this is your fault. If you did and your candidate didn’t get chosen, it just goes to show how our political system actually works. Although, I do vote so I do believe that voting counts. At least if you don’t vote you have no room to complain. The main thing that is needed is an overhaul on the political system. It needs to be started in congress. The Presidental election is important, but the Congressional election is far more important.The gridlock in congress is deplorable. The fact that they even allow fillibusters, is ridiculous. These men and woman of congress have more vacation time and get paid higher than majority of Americans and don’t even do their job. They should all be fired.

On the Election eve, I predict Hillary Clinton will win and Donald Trump will not conceed and will say the election is rigged. Nostradamus predicted the exact same thing. I believe him, he’s been right far more than any other prophet. This election is in his writing, it’s facinating and I recommend anyone to research the information.


No matter who wins I believe this county is in for a hell of a time coming soon. Whoever wins will be blamed for everything just like President Obama, but at least this next President will gain a better office than our great President did.