The Domino Effect of Sexual Assault


All of a sudden it seems everyone is involved in a sexual harassment/assault scandal. Once one woman came forward in Hollywood several woman and men came forward with their own stories. The same can be said in the US Government although so far no men have come forward (it’s only a matter of time). Maybe this is the chance to open the eyes of the many woman who have been assaulted to come forward in any industry.

There have been some outlandish comments and articles on social media about these allegations. For the most part many don’t believe these woman some even said they provoked or asked for it. Many wonder why people wait so long to come forward after sexual assault. This is part of the reason for this. There are sick people out there that think woman ask for this behavior. No one wants to be assaulted by someone in power. There have been no cases where these people asked to be harassed by some rich asshole.


When it comes to Hollywood the main defense of these predators was that these actors and actresses asked for it. I also read some comments saying these woman slept with these guys to get in the movie and now regret it. Honestly any man that needs to use their power to get someone in bed is a scumbag all the way. The people that defend these sick bastards are just as pathetic.

Roy Moore and his family

The political aspect of these assault allegations are far worse. You have on one side of the fence Roy Moore, a former judge who was removed from the bench in 2003 running for Senate. He has been accused of sexually assaulting children aged 14-16. The man was even banned from a mall. His colleagues admitted to this behavior. Roy himself said he asked the parents of the 14-16 year old girls if he could date their children. Moore was 30 years old at the time. Republicans on social media have been so defensive of this scumbag it’s pretty disturbing.

Al Franken and Leeann the woman who accused him.

On the other side of the fence you have Al Franken a Democrat accused of grabbing and forcibly kissing a none contributor to Sean Hannity’s Fox News show. The pair were on a USO tour and there is a picture that looks like it was taken out of content, you can judge for yourself. Franken’s response to the allegations, “I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann.” The accuser in this case accepted the apology. Sexual harassment and assault are not limited to a certain political party, there are scum on both sides. In fact the two party system should be eradicated.

Sexual assault and harassment is serious and it happens probably more than anyone knows. It’s not limited to Hollywood and Washington, it happens all the time. The more woman that come forward the less its believed. This is why woman and men wait so long, some never come forward at all. Woman do not come forward to get their 15 minutes, that’s for sure. Who would want to be looked at in the way you look at a victim or a liar, because frankly it’s rarely believed.


The lack of morals and common decency in the United States is definitely lacking. There are many fake people out there claiming to be good Christians while showing us how extremely ungodly they really are. The leader of our country Donald Trump has been accused by 12 woman of sexual assault. There is audio tape of him talking about forcefully grabbing woman and kissing them not to mention their pussies. This is like living a nightmare where pussy grabbers are given the presidency and woman are scorned for speaking the truth.