Texas Has An Abortion Clinic In It! (God Have Mercy On Our Souls)

Suddenly all over Texas,  po-dunk towns are making sanctuary cities for unborn fetuses. Satire you say? Nope unfortunately this is actually happening.

The whole thing is rather childish, these bumpkin towns don’t even have abortion clinics. So why are they doing something like this? They think doing this will in turn outlaw abortion and they’re right it is a possibility. What they’re doing is unconstitutional. They are saying they will protect a fetus from conception to birth so they are not persecuted by people who want them to have abortions. This whole ideology is completely ridiculous.

Walk for Life

Ten Texas cities have effectively banned abortion and declared themselves sanctuary cities for the fetuses. Most of these towns have less than 6k people while Big Spring, Texas which the city council had voted for this atrocity has around 28k people.

Signs in Tyler, Texas

There was a protest in Big Spring against this, that did not seem to matter the city council voted to indeed ban abortion within city limits. There are not abortion clinics within 200 miles of Big Spring, Texas. Now here is the problem that will arise from this. This will end up going to court, I have no doubt. These are infringements on Constitutional rights and if this goes all the way to the Supreme Court, Roe Vs. Wade could possibly be re-open. Big Spring has many women and men that would like to come forward and speak but unfortunately I know all too well living in West Texas if you go against these people you will more than likely lose your job too. You think that is against rights but our Governor made it OK for businesses to discriminate due to religious preferences.

U.S. Supreme Court

The main issue I for-see if the Supreme Court gets a hold of this, is the judges themselves. We have a majority of Republicans and while that typically wouldn’t be bad. This time the President has them in his pocket. Judge Brett Kavanaugh is the main one Trump has in his pocket, he owes him one. Brett has also been pretty blunt on his feelings toward abortion and said he would vote against it while he was on the Supreme Court. Even though Trump has openly admitted to paying for abortions he claims to be against them now. He needs that evangelical vote, that is literally the only reason I can see any evangelical voting for Donnie.

Mark Lee Dickson, Local Texas douche that thinks he owns our uterus

There is a boner named Mark Dickson who started this whole thing. He is from East Texas, never married, no kids but want’s to impose his moral beliefs on women. He’s a snake salesman and needs to stay out of something that has nothing to do with him.

Protestors in Big Spring, Texas in Late January, 2020

If anyone in Texas feels strongly on this issue and may be able to travel please show up at these town meetings. You could make the difference and keep our body as women free from this nonsense. You know it’s funny, Republicans claim to be for smaller government only when it applies to their needs. They clearly have no problem sticking their nose up my vagina and into my uterus.

Asshole of the day is Rush Limbaugh, who the fuck thought it was a great idea to give him the Medal of Freedom?

Rush Limbaugh, Stage 4 Lung Cancer. Terrible Conservative Radio Host


Is the Constitution Being Upheld Today?

My first reaction is no, then again in some ways it is and others not so much. Filibusters are a major problem in the Senate, to argue something to death is just not the answer. Since the house does not allow it why does the Senate? The filibuster is to stop any bill from being voted on it seems Unconstitutional. There is no such rule on filibusters in the Constitution. Progress can not be done with constant filibusters, in the Constitution the two houses are to make their own rules, so in fact it is Constitutional.(US Constitution)The main issue we look at is it ethical. If one Senator does not agree with a proposed bill they are allowed to talk as long as they want. The problem is they can go on and on about anything, it may not have anything to do with the proposed bill. Frankly, it wastes tax payer’s money our taxes pay these Senators salaries when they are in session and listening to a filibuster for weeks on end people should be disturbed by that. If you do not agree with a bill even if you know it will pass without your vote, what are you to do? Apparently the Senators feel they can deliberately waste time of Senators and money of the tax payers. You can track the Federalist Papers and get some clarification on filibusters, I am not quite sure it is what the framers intended it to be used for. “All that need be remarked is, that a body which is to correct this infirmity ought itself to be free from it, and consequently ought to be less numerous. It ought, moreover, to possess great firmness, and consequently ought to hold its authority by tenure of considerable duration.” Considerable duration is one thing, 24 hours and 18 minutes of speaking is another, as did Senator Strom Thurmond in 1957 when debating civil rights? That is a clear waste of time and tax payers money. That bill passed in any matter, but it also wasted tax payer money as well.

The elected officials of today all remark on spending less and getting people more jobs. This lack of personal responsibility from our officials is part of the reason for the debt crisis in the first place. If the House and the Senate would spend more time on job creating bills and less time on minor things it would make more sense. Today the House for example is passing through several bills that will die in the Senate. Needless to say the House being majority Republican and the Senate majority is Democrat; most will die when it reaches the Senate. I have said it before; compromise is a great tool more officials need to work on. The main issue Americans face is jobs, mortgages, and inflation. These are key issues both houses can work on to satisfy majority of Americans. It seems like both Democratic and Republican officials have an agenda to make their opposing party look bad. Watching this piece of American history unfold is frustrating, it seems both parties want the same thing, but at the same time they do not want to admit it. It is a wonder if the officials actually agree or they are saying these things to get elected.
The main example I have for elected officials not doing what they say they will after winning an election is the Patriot Act. Mainly Tea Party Republican Candidates all went on and on about upholding Constitutional values. The Patriot Act takes away the 4th amendment as well as several others. 77.5% of tea party backed candidates voted to extend this law, which are 31 of the 40 in the House. It seems it is another case of a candidate lying to get what they want. 

How Safe Are We Really?

There are so many scams out there right now. It seems that people will believe anything they hear, read, or see. Just about everyone out there without a soul is trying to cash in on the scared. You have my favorite person Glenn Beck trying to sell anything he can to make people feel safe. Pretty much anyone on Fox News that sold their soul to the network is selling everything they can. While advertising is something you have to do to make money, they are going above and beyond.

Although one thing that seems inevitable is that our dollar is losing value. The way our lovely government is printing money like it’s going out of style should be your first clue. The next clue is gas prices. Lets be real, the price of gas always goes up when the holidays come around. This year was the highest I have ever seen them. They went back down, but not much. They are still up from what they were before the holidays. There is a rumor going around that it will be up to $5.00 per gallon. Which I think is highly possible. They are talking about raising minimum wage from the federal standard of $7.25 an hour to $9.50 per hour. This isn’t set in stone, but it’s being talked about. It is highly unlikely for any Republican senator to vote for that.

So everyone should be aware that printing money wildly is not a smooth move. If you know nothing of the Federal Reserve there is one thing you should know. When it started back in 1913 it was all about the gold. Our money was backed by how much gold the reserve held. I’m sure everyone has heard of our rising deficit. Right now our national debt is 14 trillion dollars. This means that we have 14 trillion less in gold then dollars in circulation. Basically, our debt is not a good thing, it makes the dollar pretty much useless. It will be, so when you hear these idiots (anyone on Fox News) talking about buying gold they are actually right for a change. Unfortunately that is one thing I do agree with. Just don’t buy from Goldline. You can get gold and other precious metals in other ways. Goldline charges you way more then value, this shouldn’t be. You can and should buy Gold, Silver, Platinum, etc. at close to current market value.

These gas prices are rising like crazy, a light bulb should be going off above your head. Lets just say that inflation happens. The rates that it has been happening over the last 5 years are pretty unreasonable if you have been paying attention. Everything is going up, not just gas. If you ever grocery shop it’s apparent there as well. I buy mainly the same things when I shop and most things have doubled or even tripled in cost. This is a problem, mainly for the people who are on unemployment. If you think that is a decent wage you are highly mistaken. People on unemployment at the top pay in my state is $531 and that’s if you made over 21k in a quarter (3 months) with a spouse and one or more children. That’s a pretty low amount for someone who made over 5k per month. So let’s take someone who made a wage of $500 per week. They will get $321 per week. That isn’t even enough to pay most mortgages. These people are getting royally screwed. Our new congress didn’t even want to give these people an extension. It’s really quite sad. If that extension didn’t happen think of all the crime that could be happening. It still may happen if this inflation doesn’t slow down.

Why do you think they are talking about making minimum wage higher? Best answer, because the cost of living is dramatically rising. So it’s currently set in federal standards at $7.25 an hour. Exactly how does anyone expect to live on that. When gas prices rise to $5.00 per gallon these people will be able to get to work and pay their taxes. That will be pretty much it. What money could they possibly have left over. My state (Illinois) has a higher rate then what federal standards are, but even then it’s almost impossible to eat on that kind of hourly income. People wonder why welfare is so high. It’s pretty easy to figure out if you think for five minutes. It’s not hard to do, stop playing video games, get off your phone, and stop watching stupid meaningless crap on television. We are being kept in the dark, and every one of the consumers are letting them do it to us.

I have a few suggestions that can help. In the coming months/years there will be a fall in this country. There will be riots, robbery, food shortages, water shortages, it’s going to happen. If you don’t want to believe it, that’s fine, but you will see it happen before your very eyes. Be prepared, don’t go buy Beck products. That’s just stupid. Although, you should have some plans set in place. Especially if you are in an Urban area. That will be the first to get hit. I suggest getting a firearm. Even though I’m not a crazy, Republican, gun nut. I do believe you should own a gun. It’s for protection, but be smart about it. Lock that thing up away from kids, drunks, and morons. (you may want to keep it from your spouse as well) Have a place to go if the shit hits the fan. I’m being very serious when I say that. You may want to stock up on food, water, and medical supplies as well. Some people will think I sound like a raving lunatic, but this will go down. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but in the near future it will. Everyone should be prepared. I also suggest getting your hands on things to trade. Gold, Silver, Platinum, anything that would be worth something. Not your Xbox unfortunately there will be no use for your stupid crap. So please be safe people, because when the shit goes down, you shouldn’t be clueless. Maybe, I am crazy, but hey if it happens I’ll be prepared and my family will be safe. Hopefully you and yours will be too. Remember the law that is in affect as well, the government has the right to use our military against us. Why do you think they would pass that law?
This is the section of the constitution and it’s wording:
Article 1, Section 9 states, “The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
Source:  http://www.usconstitution.net/consttop_mlaw.html

Sleep well everyone, you’ll sleep better if you have some kind of fire arm, I guarantee it. Just so you’re aware the government has a right to come and take any registered gun from you.